Birth Date Numerology for People Born on 1, 10, 19, 28 (Birth Day Numerology)

How will be the life of people born on 1, 10, 19, 28?

Numerology Facts about the People Born on 1, 10, 19, 28 Date of any Month.

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Numerology readings for people born on 1, 10, 19, 28:

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Your lucky number is 1.
The planet governing you is the Sun, the emperor of all planets.

You are a very good planner and have your own independent views. You have the inborn qualities of administration and leadership. You are of a serious nature with firm thinking. You shall be respected all over in your social circle.

You will be more influenced by Sun especially if you are born between 21 July to 21 August. You will have an attractive personality and will always be progressing in your life. You are very brilliant and cannot accept your defeat, even if you are defeated and prefer to lay your life instead of bowing before anybody.

You can be a very good businessman if you enter in the field of Jewellery, Gold, medical, medicines, army, scientific equipment, fire extinguishers, paper, cloth, and grains.. It will be difficult for you to remain under someone in administrative services.

You can only be a chief executive officer or head of the department.
Although the people under the influence of sun succeed in any field they enter but you should not do the business of IRON.
For your business, house, and employment, the directions of west, north-east, and north-west are favorable. The direction of the south-west is not favorable to you.

For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 1, 3, 5, or 9 of any month will be suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the people born on 2, 4, 6, and 8 of any month are not suitable for you as marriage partners and will be your enemies.

Every year during the months of October, November, and December you should take special care of your health and should not take the unnecessary risk and keep control of the expenditures.

The period from 21 March to 28th April and 10th July to 20th August is progressive for you. The dates 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31 are good for you. And Sundays and Thursdays are good for you. So you should do all your important works on the above dates and between above periods to gain success.

The colors favorable to you are Yellow, White, Golden and Copper color. To avoid accidents you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of these colors. You should prefer the clothes of these colors and keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of the same colors.

The 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 and 64th year of your life will be lucky for you. And be careful during the 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 and 61st year of your life won’t be good for you.

During your old age, you will suffer from diabetes and heart diseases. You will also face problems relating to skin, eyes, and head.

For improvement in your luck and health, you must keep a fast on Sundays without salt. For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you must keep Surya Yantra with you and at the place of worship in your house.

For your luck and good health wear Ruby (Manik) in gold or copper ring.

Most Suitable Professions:

Authority, Politicians, Government jobs, Trade of Gems & Jewellery, Electronic and Electrical Goods, Construction Materials, Business relating to Foreign Commodities, Advertising, Sponsoring of TV Programmes, Cinema Industry, Designing and Planning, InfoTech Business, Pawn Broking and Departmental Stores, Religious Heads, Work related to Fire, Army,


Number 1 people should have slant upwards signature. Uniformity shall be maintained from beginning till the end. Length of the signature should be between 4 and 5:05 cm.