Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Totke for Peace, Happiness, Luck, Money and all round Prosperity.

Lal Kitab is a remarkable branch of Vedic astrology.

Lal Kitab is a set of five Urdu language books on Hindu astrology and palmistry, written in the 19th century, based on the Samudrika Shastra.

images (2)Collection of the 5 books, written during the period of 1939-1952. Lal Kitab has gained a wide popularity in the recent years. It is an old book though not very old, which was written in Urdu.

The authorship of these books is fairly disputed. While some suggest that the author of the book preferred to be anonymous, others believe that Pandit Roop Chand Joshi penned the contents of the book. It deals with astrology with a special emphasis on remedial solutions which more often than not, appear unusual and even bizarre to a layman with a scientific temper.

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