Gemini (Mithun Rashi) Monthly Horoscope For October 2017 | Gemini Astrology Moon Sign Predictions

Gemini (Mithun Rashi) Monthly Horoscope For October 2017 | Gemini Astrology Moon Sign Predictions:
Read your free Gemini 2017, October Monthly horoscope forecast based on your moon sign. Gemini 2017 October Monthly Horoscope and Astrology Prediction Cover about your 2017 Gemini career, finance horoscope, love and marriage, health and Gemini Auspicious days for the month of October 2017.


Gemini Mithun Rashi 2017 Horoscope, Job, Career, Business, Finance, and Wealth

Gemini Mithun Rashi 2017 Horoscope, Job, Career, Business, Finance, and Wealth. Mithun Rashi Fal, Gemini 2017 horoscope, Gemini finance, Gemini business, Mithun Rashi business, MAKE A FORTUNE, Mithun Rashi career, Mithun Rashi Finance, Mithun Rashi 2017, Gemini career, Gemini wealth, Mithun Rashi career, Mithun Rashi business, Mithun Rashi Finance , Mithun Rashi horoscope, Mithun Rashi horoscope, 2017, Mithun, Gemini, Gemini horoscope 2017, Mithun 2017-2018, Gemini 2017-2018, Mithun 2017-2018, astrology, Gemini job 2017, Mithun Rashi job 2017, Mithun Rashi job.


Gemini Mithun Rashi August 2017 Horoscope. Gemini Lucky Colors, Numbers, Days, Rudraksha, Gemstone

Gemini Mithun Rashi Lucky Factors And August 2017 Horoscope.
Gemini August 2017 Horoscope Based on Moon Sign / Vedic Astrology. This Video Covers General Characteristics of the Gemini Moon Sign, Career, Health, Love Relationships, Finance, and Education details of Gemini Moon Sign for August 2017. Lucky numbers, Lucky colors, Lucky days, Lucky Direction, Lucky Gemstones, Remedies for Gemini Moon sign for August 2017.
These Predictions are Based on Vedic Astrology (Moon Sign).



Gemini Mithun Rashi Lucky Factors And 2018 Horoscope

Gemini Mithun Rashi Lucky Factors And 2018 Horoscope. Gemini 2018 Horoscope Based on Moon Sign / Vedic Astrology. This Video Covers General Characteristics of the Gemini Moon Sign, Career, Health, Love Relationships, Finance, and Education details of Gemini Moon Sign for the Year 2018. Lucky numbers, Lucky colors, Lucky days, Lucky Direction, Lucky Gemstones for Gemini Moon sign for the year 2018.
These Predictions are Based on Vedic Astrology (Moon Sign).

Gemini Mithun Rashi 2017 Moon Sign Predictions (July 2017- December 2017)

Gemini Mithun Rashi 2017 Moon Sign Predictions (July 2017- December 2017):

Favorable Months: February, March, April, July, October, November

Unfavorable Months: January, May, June, August, September

Lucky Days:
Wednesday, Friday

Lucky Numbers:
2, 3, 5, 6

Lucky colors:
Yellow, White, Green

Lucky Gemstone
Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire (Only after consulting Astrologer)

4 Face and 6 Face Rudraksha.

Remedies :
Donate money to eunuchs.
Recite “Om Budhaaya Namaha” 108 times daily during Mercury hora.