Results of Jupiter Transit in Libra from 12th September 2017: Impact on 12 signs.

Let us analyze the results of Brihaspati Gochar in Tula Rashi 2017-2018 for all the 12 signs.

From 12th September 2017 at 03:29 Jupiter Transit from Virgo (Kanya Rashi) into Libra (Tula Rashi), Jupiter remains in Libra Zodiac (Tula Rashi) until 11th October 2018. Jupiter remains in the state of combustion from 15th October 2017 until 5th November 2017. Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra Zodiac sign (Tula Rashi) from 9th March 2018 and becomes direct in motion 11th July 2018.

This transit will have generally good results except for a few signs that will not get the desired results during this transit depending upon the Moon Sign of the native.

The table below shows the results of Jupiter Transit in Libra from 12th September 2017 and 2018 and its impact on all the 12 Moon signs (Vedic Astrology)


Moon Sign Results
Aries Very auspicious / Excellent
Gemini Very auspicious / Excellent
Virgo Very auspicious / Excellent
Sagittarius Very auspicious / Excellent
Aquarius Very auspicious / Excellent
Cancer Average
Libra Average
Capricorn Average
Taurus Unfavorable
Leo Unfavorable
Scorpio Unfavorable
Pisces Unfavorable

However, the Predictions can be ascertained only after analyzing the other planetary position in the chart i.e. Jupiter placed with other planets, the aspect of other planets on Jupiter and the Sign, House and Nakshatra in which Jupiter is posited.